Monday November 8 |
9.00 | Registration, Put up posters, coffe is served. |
WISENET research and applications |
10.00 | WSN 2.0 Director Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University |
10.20 | Transmission strategies for massive wireless networks in stores Nils Hulth, Pricer AB |
13.00 | Atmospheric sensing in tornados with unmanned aircraft Tim Brown, University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
14.00 | Denial of service challenges in wireless networks
Tim Brown continue |
15.15 | Internet of Things Heikki Seppä, VTT, Finland |
Poster session |
Tuesday November 9 |
8.15 | Natural disaster science – Potential of sensor development in the management of water-related disasters Sven Halldin, Uppsala University |
10.15 | Personal and Pervasive Sensing Systems Prabal Dutta, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, USA |
13.15 | Programming and Debugging Sensor Networks Kay Römer, Institute of Computer Engineering, University of Lübeck, Germany |
Assignment discussions |
16.00 | Applications and Disasters | Sensor communication, Programming and Debugging, Personal and Pervasive Sensing Systems | Batteries and RFID |
Lectures discussed | Per Gunningberg, Nils Hulth, Sven Halldin | Tim Brown, Prabal Dutta, Kay Römer | Heikki Seppä, Kristina Edström |
18.00 | End of WISENET Nordic Darkness School. |