
Awards connected to WISENET
- Prof Estrin, appointed Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa at Uppsala University 2010 She is a Professor of Computer Science with a joint appointment in Electrical Engineering at UCLA, holds the Jon Postel Chair in Computer Networks, and is Founding Director of the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS). Estrin received her Ph.D.in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was selected as the first ACM Athena Lecturer in 2006 and was awarded the Anita Borg InstituteÄôs Women of Vision Award for Innovation in 2007.
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Awards to WISENET members
14-04-04, Best Paper at WONS 2014: How do the dynamics of battery discharge affect sensor lifetime? by
Laura Feeney (Swedish Institute of Computer Science & Uppsala University, Sweden); Christian Rohner (Uppsala University, Sweden); Per Gunningberg (Uppsala University, Sweden); Anders Lindgren (Pricer AB, Sweden); Lars Andersson (Pricer AB, Sweden)
Best paper award at ExtremeCom 2013 was received by Hjalmar Wennerström, Lars-Åke Norden and Thiemo Voigt as co-authors to Hot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless Transceivers. The first author Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz) visted UU in february.
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13-04-18 Awards to WISENET paper and Demo at IPSN 2013
The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading, single-track, annual forum on research in wireless, embedded, and networked sensing systems.
Phase 2, 2009-2012
- 12-12-14, Fredrik Bruhn tilldelas Hjärnäpplet för bildandet och utvecklandet av rymdteknikföretaget ÅAC Microtec. Pressmeddelande
- 2012-06-20 Best poster award at IEEE SECON 2012 for the poster titled Pragmatic Low-Power Interoperability: ContikiMAC vs TinyOS LPL, authored by Nicolas Tsiftes and Adam Dunkels from SICS, and JeongGil Ko and Andreas Terzis from Johns Hopkins University. SICS news.
- 2011-11-10 Luca Mottola receives Cor Baayen Award 2011.
- 2011-07-14 Adam Dunkels Listed as a Top Internet of Things Thinker, Postscapes have listed the worldwide top 100 influential thinkers in the Internet of Things area, with Adam Dunkels at spot #16.
- 2011-04-14 Luca Mottola, the paper "Is There Lights at the Ends of The Tunnel? Wireless Sensor Networks for Adaptive Lighting in Road Tunnels", co-authored along with Trento people, has been awarded the IPSN/SPOTS Best Paper Award. The SICS news page.
- 2011 -03-15 Termosense Vinnare av Retail Awards 2011, Årets tekniska lösning.
Juryns motivering: Ett företag som har utvecklat befintliga system som ligger rätt i tiden. Det trådlösa och webbaserade systemet är överlägset flexibel, lättillgänglig och enkel att övervaka. Bättre ekologi och ekonomi genom lägre energiförbrukning, lägre elräkningar och minskat varusvinn är en svårslagen kombination. Prismottagare: Janis Platbardis, grundare och innovatör. TermoSense AB
- 2010-06-21 Dogan Yazar, Student thesis receive Bengt Asker Award for best MSc thesis in real-time and embedded systems, for his thesis RESTful Wireless Sensor Networks. The thesis is available here in fulltext on line at Uppsala university library, DIVA. Thesis advisor was Adam Dunkels, SICS, and university examiner was Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University. Read also the thesis presentation at SICS.
Phase 1, 2007-2009